Sunday, 7 October 2018


Soft Skills - Setting SMART Goals

What is SMART Goal Setting?

Organizations use various tools to make their goals achievable. Using SMART goals is one of them. This technique helps you to attain and track your goals. You can verify at every point if what you are doing will get the desired results.

What does SMART goal setting stand for?

S -  What do your want to do?
M - How will you know when you've reached it?
A - Is it in your power accomplish it ?
R - Can you realistically achieve it?
T - When exactly do you want to accomplish it?

S - Specific (What? , Where?, How?, When?)
M - Measurable (Break it down into measurable units)
A - Achievable (Is your goal attainable?)
R - Realistic (How much is it relevant to you?)
T - Timely (Make a Blueprint. Time is Money!)

Tips for SMART Goal Setting

  •  Think About the Big Picture 
We always make resolutions. Though, we hardly keep them. We tend to drift apart and forget about them. Breaking them into measurable and realistic segments helps you understand how realistic they are. Whenever you lose the wish to go forward think about the bigger picture. It will help you stay focused.

  • Get Down to the Bottom
Once you have seen the bigger picture, you need break the goal into simpler actions. This help you understand how measurable and attainable your goal is. Planning smaller steps makes you build a momentum in the right direction.

  • Use a Systemized Formula
We need to write everything down. It will help you to get from one point to another, smoothly. You will start getting the desired results, if you have a proper and structured formula.

  • Track your Progress
When we get into the game, we become so engrossed that we forget to check-in the progress. We must make sure that we are always keeping a track of our progress. We should always be best prepared for our next step and celebrate our successes on the way. This will keep us motivated.

  • Set an End Date
Open ended goals get you mo where. If there is not an end date, there will be no pressure to achieve it. You need to have a set timeline and break into attainable time limits. No end date often leads to slower progress.
  • Setting SMART goals is taking one step closer to your dreams.
  • Breaking them into smaller actions and making them attainable is necessary, if you wish them to make visible.
  • Do not lose track. Maintain a progress sheet.
  • Keep yourself motivated by looking at the bigger picture.
  • Celebrate your milestones and work on your limitations.


About Irawen -

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