Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes, and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with.
What is the Difference?
Hard Skills :-
What happens when you don't possess Soft skills?What is the Difference?
Hard Skills :-
- Hard skills are specific concrete professional abilities you can either perform or you can’t.
- They are techniques or knowledge you usually learn at school or through on-the-job training.
- Hard skills are usually quantifiable and teachable such as accounting strategies, computer programming, or plumbing techniques.
- Soft skills are usually related to your personality and your “people skills.”
- They take on a more subjective, emotion-based nature than hard skills.
- Most of the ones you possess were not taught to you in school but a natural result of your emotional intelligence and experience.
- They are often open to interpretation.
- "Will help you STAND OUT in a crowd of mediocrity".
- Lack of Satisfaction
- Less or no respect in society
- Poor influence in groups.
- Lack of appreciation & Recognition
- Criticism in all levels of life.
Women are Better at Soft
It's too difficult to learn
Where do I start
I need to certify myself on
soft skills
Personal Attributes which People Look for
- Honesty
- Interpersonal skills
- Integrity
- Dedication
- Manners & Etiquette
- Ethics
- Persistence
- Pride in work
- Good listener
- and many more.......
Benefits of Soft Skills to Organizations
- Increased credibility Customers
- Increased customers satisfaction
- More productive employees
- Out-service the competition
- Increased employee ROI
- Strong team and leadership
- Demonstrated dedication to customer Service and support
- Measurable results and improvements.
- Incentives, rewards, and challenges for Employees
Benefits of Soft Skills to Individuals
- Recognition from the industry, Employer and peers.
- New employment opportunities
- Promotions and advanced opportunities
- Increased ability to perform on The job
- Lifelong responsibilities
- Professional accomplishment
- Businessman
- Public sector Executives