Thursday, 11 October 2018


Soft Skill - Social Learning

Social Learning

People learn from one another, via observation imitation, and modeling.

Social Learning Theory
  • Behavior
  • Environmental Factors
  • Personal Factors
Behavioral Model

The behavioural model of abnormality says that psychological problems are learned behaviours. Behaviours are learned in a process called conditioning, whereby a persons associates one thing with another.

Behaviorist Model

Behaviorist Model (only study observable/external behavior)
  • Stimulus in the environment
  • Black Box can't be studied
  • Response behavior
Cognitive Model

A cognitive model is an approximation animal cognitive processes (predominantly human) for the purposes of comprehension and prediction.

Cognitive Model

Cognitive Model (can scientifically study internal behavior)
  • Input in the environment
  • Mediational Process mental event
  • Output behavior
Experiential Learning

Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle
  • Do it
  • What happened?
  • Why/how it happen
  • What next?
Student Learning

6 Steps to continuous Improvement of Student Learning
  1. Identify Goals
  2. Identify Objectives
  3. Specify Approaches
  4. Specify Measures
  5. Share Results
  6. Make Changes

" People are social being and want interaction and social learning is the primary from of learning, just as word of mouth advertising, just as word of mouth advertising is the highest from of advertising."
                                                                     ~ Stephen Covey ~


We learn social behaviour such as aggression through the process of observation learning - through watching the behaviour of another person.

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Sunday, 7 October 2018


Soft Skills - Setting SMART Goals

What is SMART Goal Setting?

Organizations use various tools to make their goals achievable. Using SMART goals is one of them. This technique helps you to attain and track your goals. You can verify at every point if what you are doing will get the desired results.

What does SMART goal setting stand for?

S -  What do your want to do?
M - How will you know when you've reached it?
A - Is it in your power accomplish it ?
R - Can you realistically achieve it?
T - When exactly do you want to accomplish it?

S - Specific (What? , Where?, How?, When?)
M - Measurable (Break it down into measurable units)
A - Achievable (Is your goal attainable?)
R - Realistic (How much is it relevant to you?)
T - Timely (Make a Blueprint. Time is Money!)

Tips for SMART Goal Setting

  •  Think About the Big Picture 
We always make resolutions. Though, we hardly keep them. We tend to drift apart and forget about them. Breaking them into measurable and realistic segments helps you understand how realistic they are. Whenever you lose the wish to go forward think about the bigger picture. It will help you stay focused.

  • Get Down to the Bottom
Once you have seen the bigger picture, you need break the goal into simpler actions. This help you understand how measurable and attainable your goal is. Planning smaller steps makes you build a momentum in the right direction.

  • Use a Systemized Formula
We need to write everything down. It will help you to get from one point to another, smoothly. You will start getting the desired results, if you have a proper and structured formula.

  • Track your Progress
When we get into the game, we become so engrossed that we forget to check-in the progress. We must make sure that we are always keeping a track of our progress. We should always be best prepared for our next step and celebrate our successes on the way. This will keep us motivated.

  • Set an End Date
Open ended goals get you mo where. If there is not an end date, there will be no pressure to achieve it. You need to have a set timeline and break into attainable time limits. No end date often leads to slower progress.
  • Setting SMART goals is taking one step closer to your dreams.
  • Breaking them into smaller actions and making them attainable is necessary, if you wish them to make visible.
  • Do not lose track. Maintain a progress sheet.
  • Keep yourself motivated by looking at the bigger picture.
  • Celebrate your milestones and work on your limitations.
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Friday, 5 October 2018


Soft Skill - Business Body Language

Business Body Language

Body Language is a language without spoken words, it is called non verbal communication.

Communication is two type

1. Verbal Communication - Which is Spoken with words.
2. Non verbal Communication - Which is Spoken without words.

What is Business Body Language?

→ The conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicated.

Few Body Languages Types

How to Read Body Language ?

  • Reading Emotional Cues
  • Look for signs of anger and/or threat
  • Look of expressions of embarrassment
  • Look for signals of anxiety
  • Notice any manifestations of pride
 Best Body Gestures
  1. Smile and be Confident
  2. Direct Eye Contact
  3.  Be interested and listen
  4. Sit up Straight
  5. Facial Expressions
  6. Relax your body
Benefits of Good Body Gesture
  • Connect with people better
  • Double your business
  • Prevents Conflict
  • Improve your Presence
  • Open up your  world
  • Being happier

" People may not tell you how they feel about you, but they always show you. Pay attention".

Body Language Success
  • Art of the Handshake
  • Power of Casual Touch
  • Understanding Spatial Distance
  • Importance of Posture
  • Peace

Communication between cultures can be difficult and confusing because of complexities in language; however, with the use of body language, messages become clearer and easily translated because most body language is universal

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Soft Skills - Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Self-esteem reflects an individual's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth.

What is Self Esteem?

→ How much you appreciate and like yourself. Self-esteem is often seen as a personality trait, which means that it tends to be stable and enduring.

Lack of Self  Esteem
  • I can't Do it
  • Nobody Loves Me
  • I'm not Worthy
  • I'm Not Good Enough
  • Must be Perfect
  • I must not Make A Mistake

Symptoms of Low Self Esteem
  1. Social withdrawal
  2. Eating disorders
  3. Inability to accept compliments
  4. Self neglect
  5. Reluctance to take on challenges
Increasing Self Esteem
  • Be mindful  (The Mindful Moment)
  • Change the story
  • Don't compare-and-despair
  • Focus on inner rock star
  • Exercise
  • Forgiveness
Benefits of Self Esteem
  • You are yourself
  • You accept Disagreements
  • Challenge yourself
  • Do not fear Uncertainty
  • You are Resilient
  • You don't need approval
  • More happier
  • More committed

"Your life CHANGE if your self-esteem IMPROVED".
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Wednesday, 3 October 2018


Self - Confidence

 The concept of self-confidence is commonly used as self-assurance in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc.

Self-confidence :-

           "SELF-CONFIDENCE is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening.

Reasons People are Not Confident

  • Trying to be somebody that you are not.
  • Criticism affects you
  • You don't have the skill
  • Affected by painful past experiences
  • Don't have supportive people around
6 - Confidence Training
  1. Visualize yourself as you want to be.
  2. Affirm yourself ( I am improving each day)
  3. Do one thing that scares you every day.
  4. Question your inner critic.
  5. Set yourself up to win.
  6. Help someone else.
Benefits of Self Confidence
  • Being your best under stress
  • Influencing others
  • Having leadership presence
  • More positive attitude
  • Feeling valued
  • Being Beautiful
  • Being happier
  • Having greater freedom

" You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice"

Why people with confidence succeed?
  • Knows strengths and weaknesses
  •  Live in the now
  • Stops measuring success
  • Works on happiness
  • Set goals
"You can either be your own worst enemy, or your own biggest cheerleader. What's it goanna be?"


Self-confidence is only an umbrella term for a lot of things. Emotional constraint, humour, empathy, resilience, string relationships, all go into creating the personality that exudes self-confidence.
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Tuesday, 2 October 2018


Soft Skills - assertiveness


Assertive means being able to stand up for your own or other people's rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive, or passively accepting wrong.

What is Assertiveness?

→ Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. In the field of psychology and psychotherapy, it is a learn-able skill and mode of communication.

Reasons People are not Assertiveness
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Big Responsibilities
  • Stress
  • Past Experience
  • Personality Traits
6 Assertive Training
  • Value Yourself and Your Rights
  • Voice Your Needs & Wants Confidently
  • Don't Control Other People's Behaviour
  • Express Yourself in a Positive Way
  • Be Open to Criticism
  • Learn to say "No"
The Scale
  • Passive 
  • Assertive
  • Aggressive
 Benefits of Assertiveness
  •  High self-confidence
  • Recognizing feelings
  • Earning respect
  • Improved communication
  • Creating win-win situations
  • Better decision making skills
  • Honest relationships
  • Job satisfaction

The Assertiveness Triangle

Why people with Assertiveness succeed?
  • Communication with everyone
  • Good judgement
  • Honest Feedback
  • Excellent Relationships
  • Walk your Talk
   using the components of the concept of assertiveness, many conflicts in a nursing situation can be effectively prevented.
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