Anger Management :-
What is Anger?
Anger is a strong feeling of aggravation or irritation towards or about something.
Causes of Anger
- Threatened or attacked
- Frustrated or powerless
- Like we are being treated unfairly
- Clenched jaw or fists
- Increase in heart rate
- Red/flushed face
- Shaking
- Feeling hot in the face or neck
Anger Cycle
Escalation Phase
- Denial and discounting of outbursts
- Increased hostility and intimidation
- More frequent and intense anger
- Physical and verbal aggression
- Discharge of tension
- Destructiveness
- Guilt, shame
- Recriminations
- Punishment
- Apology, repair and promises
Controlling Anger
Advance Solutions & Therapies
Advance Solutions & Therapies
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Improvements in communication skills
- Focus on problem-solving
- Avoidance of problematic situations
Repercussion of Anger Management