Sunday, 30 September 2018


Anger Management in Soft Skills

Anger Management :-

Anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control.

What is Anger?

Anger is a strong feeling of aggravation or irritation towards or about something.
Causes of Anger
  • Threatened or attacked
  • Frustrated or powerless
  • Like we are being treated unfairly
Symptoms of Anger
  • Clenched jaw or fists
  • Increase in heart rate
  • Red/flushed face
  • Shaking
  • Feeling hot in the face or neck

Anger Cycle

Escalation Phase
  • Denial and discounting of outbursts
  • Increased hostility and intimidation
  • More frequent and intense anger
  • Physical and verbal aggression
  • Discharge of tension
  • Destructiveness
Post-explosion Phase
  • Guilt, shame
  • Recriminations
  • Punishment
  • Apology, repair and promises 
Controlling Anger

Advance Solutions & Therapies
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Improvements in communication skills
  • Focus on problem-solving
  • Avoidance of problematic situations

Repercussion of Anger Management
  • Hurts your physical health
  • Anger destroys
  • Anger can make you lose your focus
  • Anger destroys relationships

  • Anger in itself is in order and normal
  • Excessive and Uncontrolled anger is destructive.
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Soft Skills - Overview

Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes, and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with.

What is the Difference?

Hard Skills :-
  • Hard skills are specific concrete professional abilities you can either perform or you can’t. 
  • They are techniques or knowledge you usually learn at school or through on-the-job training. 
  • Hard skills are usually quantifiable and teachable such as accounting strategies, computer programming, or plumbing techniques.
Soft Skills :-

  • Soft skills are usually related to your personality and your “people skills.” 
  • They take on a more subjective, emotion-based nature than hard skills. 
  • Most of the ones you possess were not taught to you in school but a natural result of your emotional intelligence and experience. 
  • They are often open to interpretation.
Good Soft Skills.....
  • "Will help you STAND OUT in a crowd of mediocrity".
What happens when you don't possess Soft skills?
  • Lack of Satisfaction
  • Less or no respect in society
  • Poor influence in groups.
  • Lack of appreciation & Recognition
  • Criticism in all levels of life.

Women are Better at Soft 
It's too difficult to learn 
  Where do I start
I need to certify myself on 
    soft skills

Personal Attributes which People Look for
  • Honesty
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Integrity
  • Dedication
  • Manners & Etiquette
  • Ethics
  • Persistence
  • Pride in work
  • Good listener
  • and many more.......

Benefits of Soft Skills to Organizations
  • Increased credibility Customers
  • Increased customers satisfaction
  • More productive employees
  • Out-service the competition 
  • Increased employee ROI
  • Strong  team and leadership
  • Demonstrated dedication to customer Service and support 
  • Measurable results and improvements.
  • Incentives, rewards, and challenges for Employees

Benefits of Soft Skills to Individuals

  • Recognition from the industry, Employer and peers.
  • New employment opportunities
  • Promotions and advanced opportunities
  • Increased ability to perform on The job
  • Lifelong responsibilities
  • Professional accomplishment
  • Businessman
  • Public sector Executives
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Monday, 24 September 2018


The Ace of Soft Skills: Attitude, Communication and Etiquette for Success


The Ace of Soft Skills: Attitude, Communication and Etiquette for Success


Our world is witnessing a major change in communication patterns, with expanding social spheres, openness in communication and professionals working in multicultural environments. It is crucial, therefore, that India's workforce remains world-class, through re-training and continuous improvement, to remain competent, competitive and successful. To create and nurture successful professionals, the acquisition, cultivation and fine-tuning of soft skills are highly essential in the given business paradigm. The ACE of Soft Skills is a part of this educational process that produces top-notch professionals. Divided into three parts-Attitude, Communication and Etiquette-this unique book provides a broad-based coverage of what constitute soft skills. The foundations of soft skills lie in a strong attitude this attitude gets manifested as communication, which gets further refined as etiquette. This book covers a wide range of topics-a gamut of nearly 40 essential soft skills-including personal accountability, listening skills, business proposals and the role of small talk and humour at work. The numerous case studies, cartoons, figures, tables and quotations not only offer an insightful, practical and well-rounded perspective into soft skills, but also make reading a joyful experience.

About the Author

Professor Gopalaswamy Ramesh has 30 years of international experience and is an independent consultant and Adjunct Professor at the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B), SSN School of Management and Computer Applications, Chennai, and Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore. He has also taught at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore; Anna University, Chennai; Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, and XLRI Jamshedpur. His vast industry experience covers both India and abroad. He played a key role in the establishment of Oracle India Development Center and was its former Senior Director. He is the author of the National Award¿winning book Managing Global Software Projects, and has also authored Software Testing Principles and Practices and Software Maintenance. Two of these books have also been translated into Chinese. His most recent book is The ACE of Soft Skills: Attitude, Communication and Etiquette for Success. He currently offers consultancy services in the areas of project management and soft skills to several companies in India and abroad. He holds an MS in engineering management from Stanford University, California; MS in computer science from IIT Madras and BE from IISc Bangalore.

Mahadevan Ramesh graduated from IIT Kanpur (five-year integrated MSc degree in Physics) and earned a PhD (Physics) from the Ohio State University, USA. Following a research stint in the electrical and computer engineering department in Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, he worked for Storage Technology Corporation (now a part of Sun Microsystems/Oracle), and for Maxtor Corporation (now a part of Seagate Technologies) at Colorado, USA. He held leadership positions in global product teams and spent considerable time on the factory floor in Singapore, working with stakeholders from many different cultures, and learnt first hand the importance of soft skills. He is currently an adjunct professor in the SN School of Management and Computer Applications, and he also consults on management and engineering, specializing in production and operations management.
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Sunday, 23 September 2018


HR Interview questions and Answers

Soft skills are a cluster of productive personality traits that characterize one's relationships in a milieu. These skills can include social graces, communication abilities, language skills, personal habits, cognitive or emotional empathy, time management, teamwork and leadership traits.

   A definition based on review literature explains soft skills as an umbrella term for skills under three key functional elements: people skills, social skills, and personal career attributes. National Business Education Association deems soft skills as critical for being industrious in today’s workplace. Soft skills complement hard skills also known as technical skills, for productive workplace performance and everyday life competencies (Arkansas Department of Education, 2007). Hard skills were the only skills necessary for career employment and were generally quantifiable and measurable from educational background, work experience or through interview.

  In the 20th century soft skills are a major differentiator, a sine qua non for employability and success in life.A study conducted by Harvard University noted that 80% of achievements in career are determined by soft skills and only 20% by hard skills. Experts say soft skills training should begin for a person when they are students, to perform efficiently in their academic environment as well as in their future workplace. A public interest study conducted by McDonald’s in UK predicted over half a million people will be held back from job sectors by 2020 due to lack of soft skills.

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